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AT&T Retail

 Experience design for mobility purchase flow in retail stores 

Problem Statement

AT&T has been using a home-grown POS system for a long time. The current experience is complex.
It’s difficult to learn and easy to mess up.
It’s too rigid for retail interactions. On the other hand, AT&T has invested hundreds of millions of dollars on Salesforce platform, which is a CRM platform, to turn it into its new POS platform; and that requires a lot of custom experience design.

Design Goal

Increase efficiency, Maximize sales, Leverage the investment in Salesforce apps.

Problem Statement




My Role​

  • Leading design for Cart Builder

  • Prototyping expert

  • Component library owner


Jan - Dec 2023


AT&T has made a large investment in Salesforce platform to replace their legacy sales systems. However, in order to benefit from the new ecosystem, there is a need to design various experiences from scratch with Salesforce capabilities in mind. This project is one of many in making that effort.



Unpacking the problem

start upgrade.png

AT&T coprporate retail rep

It's hard to keep track of all the lines, deals, phones and plans than need to be set in order to get the best deal possible for the customer.

AT&T Corporate retail rep

I bounce back and forth between Assurant, MST, OPUS and CCKM to double -check everything. It's a lot of info to remember and digest.

AT&T retail representatives should rely on 3 distinct platforms to be able to handle a sales conversation with customers. They need to keep track of decisions in their mind and make changes decided on on platform to the other one. This makes the whole sales process lengthy, complicated and error prone. 

When systems and policies disregard the elements of human conversation, interaction result in confused and unsatisfied customers. The NPS drops 65 points when customers have negative device upgrade experiences at stores.

Example of OPUS screen, the AT&T's POS system

Design process

Our researchers in the team started the process by observing store reps on the field and interviewing them and their managers to understand their pain points and problems they face in their job related to their tools.


At the end of the discovery and analysis phase, we set some design principles as the strategic goals that we need to consider to deliver a good experience for reps:

design principles.png

Design phase 1: Single line upgrade experience

After the research team provided us with early insights, we started mapping customer's journey for upgrade experience, defining a scenario, and designing an experience with regard to Salesforce capabilities.

My design section

My role in the team was to design the Build Cart section. So I will share testing results for the first phase here. Overall the design received positive feedback from users:


  • Simple process allows users to focus on one step at a time 
and stay on the same page, while system intelligence guides them

  • Guided flow and content reinforces add-ons they can sell and information they should communicate, so they don’t forget

  • Order of steps as well as the flexibility to re-open and edit each section was clear


Design phase 2: Multi-line upgrade experience

Having customers with a family plan in which multiple people have mobile lines and devices is a common situation to deal with for AT&T. The challenge for store reps is that their challenges compound as the number of simultaneous upgrades on an account increases.


Multiple customers


Help handling multiple customers at the same time, each of whom may have the same or different needs (e.g., plans, features, accessories, offers, trade-in methods, etc.)​

Multiple changes


Help keeping track of changes to multiple lines in the system and ensuring they’re accurate to avoid a repeat visit or call.​

Multiple levels


Help navigating and setting expectations about both account- and line-level information


In this phase of design, my challenge was to come up with a streamlined and easy to manage cart builder that can scale up from a single line scenario to multiple lines.

For this phase we started in low fidelity first and tested some concepts before getting into the high fidelity design.

Below is an example of concepts explored to handle the multi-line needs in a single page cart builder:


After doing a round of testing on high level concepts and understanding user needs for multi-line upgrade, I designed the high fidelity prototype using atomic level components from Lightning design system to design the prototype for final round of testing.


In the next step, researches in the team took the prototype and test it with multiple store reps. Here are the positive and negative feedback I got from the research team to iterate on:



Having all sections on one page reduced clicks​


Flexibility to work linearly or non-linearly (within and between lines) that works best for the rep


Edit the order without rebuilding



Hard to track impact of decisions to other lines


Unclear how account-level selections are presented​



Hard to identifying what the customer has before changes are made


Measuring design success

Since this design is about to replace the POS system that is currently in-use in the stores, one of the main business questions from early stages was about measuring the success of the design against what is already working. So I came up with a novel interaction analysis method and evaluated both the quality of interaction in both the current state and our design for Salesforce platform. The following charts show how much improvement we can get out of this new design compared to the current state.

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